Site under construction! :3
How I made itξ―
Here is the list of tools I used to make this site and host it completely for free:
- - To obtain a free domain name (
) and point it to my GitHub Pages site. - GitHub Pages - To host my files on GitHub and deploy them for free.
- MkDocs - A helpful tool to convert markdown (
) files to HTML for the web. This means it's way easier to write content and maintain a custom and modular theme. - FlexSearch - A tool to build a static search engine for my site, as well as my other projects.
- Husky - A GitHub pre-commit tool to automate parts of the build and formatting process.
- Prettier & markdownlint - Tools for applying consistent code formatting.
Other toolsξ―
- Pygments - A Python module for parsing, lexing, and highlighting code blocks.
- nanoemoji - A tool from Google Fonts to help create custom colour fonts.
- Google Translate, DeepL, Wiktionary, & Jordan Myers' toki pona translation tool - For helping out with some translation and localisation.
I used code or other things from these sources, too:
Other resourcesξ―
- Google Fonts - For some of the fonts used on this site.
- OpenDyslexic - For the OpenDyslexic font.
- Phosphor Icons - For most of the icons.
- My wiki is hosted on Miraheze for free.
- I write all my code using Visual Studio Code and host it on GitHub.
All other code, scripts, and plugins were written by me, except where noted. This includes the content translation tool, UX, themes, user preferences, and styling / animations.